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What are your hopes and dreams for this spring season?
Spring is the perfect time to move away from the draining energy of winter that can bring about loneliness, feelings of disconnect and difficulty aligning with the life you want.
These feelings can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate out of, especially when you are busy taking care of everyone else, but with the energy spring brings forward, I offer you this:
A beautiful, connective day meant to help you shift away from how you are feeling now to energy that is more abundant, empowering and clear.
You will feel aligned in what exactly you want to manifest into your life and your skin (of course) will GLOW while doing it.
Spring Revival: Wellness Re-Treat
This Sunday, April 7th, myself and Catharine Tombs, yoga instructor and wellness retreat host, invite you to a day long retreat that is designed for you to connect back to yourself, along with other women, find your energy and vitality again, and move into spring GLOWING and ALIGNED.
This is your season to Blossom
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